Sunday, October 13, 2019


One topic that has been a main topic at church for the past couple of weeks, is the idea of relationships, and how God has made us to be relational creatures. That is also the area I struggle the most with. 

Growing up, I was a shy introverted child, who was often fine with being by myself. However, I have been learning over the past few years as I made strong friendships that relationships are a good thing to have in one's life. Friends are there to encourage you when you are struggling. They are there to make you laugh over their crazy antics. And they are there to stop you before you do something absolutely crazy or stupid. 

Now it is easier to build and keep relationships when you see the person everyday, but it is so much harder when you move away. After graduation, most of my roommates went their separate ways so I don't get to see them in person unless one of us gets married. One thing I have been trying to do more often is to keep up conversations with them through online forms of communications. This is still hard for me because I often start a conversation, and then get distracted by something else, and I forget to check my phone so I have lots a conversations that I start but don't finish. I am working on making sure I finish the conversations that I start. 

But when I put in the effort to keep conversations going online, we often end up having good discussions, and I leave feeling happy and refreshed. So I am working on putting in the effort to keep up these relationships online, because I do enjoy them, and I want to keep them around for a long time. 

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