Sunday, August 25, 2019

Love of Reading

One thing that I have enjoyed since graduating from college, is having the time to read books. The time that I would normally be spending doing homework, I now can use that time to read books that I have wanted to read, and explore topics I have wanted to explore.

Then one day I stumbled across this video from Jimmy Kimmel, asking people if the can name one book, and most of them couldn't and most admitted that they don't read. The link is below for those who want to watch.
Jimmy Kimmel- Name a Book

While I did find the video funny, it was also heart breaking. Now I am not an English nut like most my friends, but I know the value of reading a good book, for there is so much you can learn about life and about the people around us. So I made a list of a few books that I love, or books that I am currently reading for those who are looking to get back into reading and want a good book to read.

The Outsiders -Fiction - My favorite book I ever read in school, focused on a gang of greasers and their struggle they go through being wrongly judged just by their appearance. It is a book I own a hard and digital copy, so I can read it when I don't want to read anything else.

How We Learn - Nonfiction - I am currently reading this book, but it is fascinating to study how we learn and memorize what we study. It comes in handy when learning foreign languages, to camera set ups for my job. 

Into the Magic Shop - Nonfiction - This book was recommend to me and it is a very interesting read. It focuses on looking at how our heart and mind connect, and learning to use our mind and heart to the best of our abilities, and finding the inner strength you need.

The Uncommon Life - Nonfiction - This book is an in-depth look at finding your gifts that God has given each of us and using them on a daily basis. It helps find what you are good and passionate at so you can live a life that is on fire for God.

These are just a couple books that I recommend, but there are so many good books out there that you can go and find something that fits you. Also go check out you local library because there is a such a large collection there that you can rent so you can find what books you specifically want.

Reading is such a good activity to fill you day with, so go out today and find a good book to read!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Home Alone

This summer I have been living with my roommate from college and her family. They recently went on a trip to South Africa as a family, so I house sat for them while they were gone. It was nice having the house to myself (and their pets) for I got a lot done and I was able to stay up late without bothering anyone.

I am a night owl and I stay up late to work and edit. However, I feel bad when I am still working and editing after everyone has gone to bed. Now editing isn't normally a loud task and can be accomplished quietly, but I tend to pace and play music when I get stuck and that all ends up to be pretty loud. So having the ability to play my music out loud and being able to pace as I need has been very helpful for me to get many of my projects edited.

Also there was a video BTS released that came out in one in the morning. It was a video that I waited for a while to come out, and I wanted to watch it as soon as it came. So I stayed up till one to watch it and was up to after three. Being the only one awake, it gave me a chance to fan girl while no one was around.

One thing I did have to work on is making sure I didn't just get stuck at home they whole time. Apparently people interaction is a good thing, so getting out every once and a while, and talking with my friends. While being home alone is fun and all, it is important to step out and see sunlight and people every once and a while. 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Here I Go Again!

Another New Blog.

A habit of mine is I come up for all these blog ideas and then I don't follow through. The longest blog I had, I started in 10th grade, and I kept that going so long because it was a class project. But once I got to college I let it fall by the wayside. I tried to get back into it but never really could.

And who says this blog is going to be any different. Even though I have a lot I want to say, and write about, I am not particularly a fan of writing. English was never my strongest subject, and sitting down to type something out never really appeals to me. However, I always have thoughts in my head and I want to share them with people, and this is the best way for me.

This blog may not change the world as I may hope, but hopefully, someone out there on the internet who is reading it likes it and it makes some impact on their life. And I also know I already have one follower, my mom, who reads my blog every week, and was disappointing when I stopped.

So with that said, I hope to post one new blog a week, Sundays at noon. The topic will be whatever is on my mind that week. I just want a chance to express myself and to get my thoughts out of my head and in writing.

With that said, I hope you all enjoy. 

Three Most Important Women

So recently I have been traveling a lot because of different people in my life having medical needs and me going to help them. Through all ...